Friday, February 25, 2011

Parent Teacher Conferences and Soccer

Another parent teacher conference done. I love hearing all the positive things from their teachers and how well they are all doing academically. The boys are typical boys, they like to be rough but nothing that isn't controlled. I love when that is the only negative thing they have to say. Mackenna is a wonderful student. Her teacher said this year, "If she were anymore of a leader, she would be running the class." We are so proud of her!
Another thing going on at parent teacher conferences last night was soccer registration. I am really not a fan of soccer, not only because I think it is boring but the weather is so unpredictable. Jason and I have discussed it so many times and even thought about putting them all in a spring hockey league in Forest Lake, so we didn't have to do soccer. Well, we ended up registering them all for soccer last night. They are all excited to start playing. So for the next month and a half I am going to be asked over and over again...When is soccer going to start.
This is our last weekend of hockey. We are all excited for it to be done, except for Carter. If he could, he would skate all the time. I know it will get old after a couple days of us not knowing what to do or all sitting here starring at each other but I can't wait. Kenna is playing volleyball this weekend and also has one more weekend in March to play. She is really enjoying volleyball and she does really well. I hope you all have a great weekend!

~Doni Jo~ 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just Getting Started

I am creating this blog so that our families can keep up with our lives and also see current pictures of the kids doing what they love to do. This will also make me unload my photos of the kids off of my camera more often and it won't be such a big task. So, check back in a couple days to see what we have been up to.

~Doni Jo~